UMass Lowell Toxics Use Reduction Institute Laboratory

Lab update for September 2010

End User Testing
1 company, 1 trial – metal working company
Site visits – 2; Metal sign manufacturer, Gear Manufacturer
Re engaged with Gear Mfr to work on cold solvent regulations and how to switch them to aqueous.

Small Contract Work
Ongoing or Completed
2 chemical manufacturers – 9 trials, 2 cleaning equipment companies – 3 trials
• Completed testing for sustainable solvent testing. Evaluated all purpose and graffiti removal capabilities.
• Completed testing for household cleaning product line and product labeling and MSDS reviews.
• Completed hard floor cleaning equipment project.
• Received equipment for steam vapor cleaning. Will evaluate range of applications for cleaning and disinfecting.
• Established testing methodology to compare dry mop and vacuum cleaning
In the Works
• Working on proposal for reviewing cleaning methods of a maid service
• Scheduling visit for company to discuss hard floor cleaning testing for their equipment – possibly 10-19-10.
• Second round of aerosol testing – engine cleaners
• Outdoor all purpose testing
• All purpose, household grease, oil and grease cleaner, road salt

Database Web Tool
DIY conversations with IEHA may influence development of new end user interface for CleanerSolutions site.

Disinfection Testing
Heidi, Tim and Katie have had some training in the Clinical Lab Science facility on basic microbiology techniques. Dr. Goodyear and Jason have discussed the testing proposal and will be working on the specifics. Karen will be working on a write up for the SHE newsletter with input from Nancy and Jason.

Do-it-Yourself Cleaning Recipes
The Lab met with IEHA members and Liz Goldsmith to discuss revamping the DIY pages on the site. They are putting together a scope of services for the end of October.
Student testing of recipes picking back up.

Completed testing for sustainable solvents.
Review of household product line formulations.

Hands-on workshop
Working on IEHA-TURI High Performance Cleaning Product training webinar that will be held after ISSA show in November.
Met with Karen to discuss hosting a Massachusetts vendor open house at the TURI Lab. May have end users (such as maid services) attend to see what is available from local vendors.
Discussion with EPA about services for Connecticut companies.

Mobile Lab
May have connection with IEHA and field testing integration with lab performance testing.

• Presented at WPI for Air Quality Management class in chemical engineering department.
Article in Journal of Cleaner Production completed editing.
• Chapter in Handbook for Critical Cleaning in final stages of editing/proofing
• Met with Karen to develop updated lab brochure
• Conference call with IEHA, University of Washington to discus field testing partnership and HPCP testing – possible visit to UWashington in January
• Scheduled to participate at NESF conference in November
• Scheduled to participate at ISSA and IEHA conferences in November
• Heidi went to Green Jobs fair in Marlborough Oct 1st
• Heidi and Tim speaking at a meeting in Attleboro for Linda Darveau on the 21st
• Heidi speaking at coatings meeting with OTA on the 28th

State-of-the-Art Facility
Chemical storage cabinets received and old cabinets removed.
Lab reorganized for better flow and tracking of ongoing projects.

TURI Projects
• Providing services TURI Community grant recipients focused on green cleaning.
• Reviewed Industry Research proposals. Input for several related to Lab. Attended one kick off meeting. Have touched base with database project to revisit this proposal.
Industry matching grants program - sign mfr
Continuing Education conference session
• Helping with TCE implementation plan

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